sunlight and water

standing beneath a stream of sunlight and water, wrapped up in warmth.

My last session of 2022 was such a special one.

The past year was majorly transformative for me. A big chapter was dedicated to weaning my last child. It wasn’t easy, on many levels, and it was with the help of this beautiful soul.

I hired Azura earlier in the year when I was reaching a breaking point . Overwhelmed with doctor appointments, confused by our healthcare system, feeling a deep desperation to freeze time and hold onto this feeding journey, mixed with a desperation to wean, I felt trapped and didn’t know how to proceed.

Azura was a godsent. It felt so refreshing to work with someone who completely understands that we are all just doing the best we can. Zero judgement on how we sleep, on our feeding habits, on my lax schedule, she listened with empathy and helped me navigate not only weaning, but other issues that are all connected and led to so much healing and growth for my baby.

I couldn’t be more grateful to Azura and the amazing support I received from her.

Since then, she birthed a beautiful son into this world and I am honoured to have been welcomed into her home to capture these images.

This session has sparked so much in me.

I feel deeply aligned with this work: photographing parts of the motherhood + infant journey.

New for this year, I am now offering “womb to world” packages. Two sessions; one to honour the transformative growth in pregnancy, and one to honour the metamorphosis into mother and the celebration of a new life.

My hope is to document the unfurling during those early days. The freshly born, the skin to skin, and the exploration of one another + the expansion of family.

To learn more about it, visit my session info here.

Dianna Martin

Honest and intimate imagery of motherhood and family life, captured on film photography. Dianna Martin is located in Dundas, Ontario.

a drop of golden sun


golden days